Scorch Engine Logo

About Me

I'm a 2024 graduate from the University of Michigan (College of Engineering)
with a Bachelor of Science in Engineering (BSE), Computer Science.
My passion lies in Video Game Development, Game Engine Architecture,
and Computer Graphics. Explore my projects and
join me in the world of pixels and code. Let's connect and collaborate!

Tails of War

Tails of War (Steam Game)

Command an army to face off against your feline foes in a game of strategy, wits, and whiskers. Capture cities, use special abilities, obtain Artifacts of Power, and spawn units in this turn-based battle for strategic dominance against your opponents - in both solo play and online multiplayer

Dungeon Dash

Dungeon Dash (Unity Game)

Dungeon Dash is a multiplayer, puzzle game where one player must steal an artifact and escape the dungeon! They must avoid lava, quicksand, and other traps while the other player controls a ghost who possesses objects to sabotage the player from escaping!

Scorch Engine Logo

Scorch Game Engine

Scorch was built using C++, Lua, GLM, LuaBridge, SDL, Box2D, and Tiled.

Ray Tracer Output

Ray Tracer

I have developed a personal ray tracer project from the ground up in C++, driven by a desire to delve deep into the inner workings of modern ray tracing techniques. The ray tracer boasts several key features, including Multisample Anti-Aliasing (MSAA) for enhanced image quality, support for rendering diffuse, metal, and glass materials, and a customizable camera for positioning and capturing scenes. The rendered images are saved in .PPM format, preserving all image properties and intricacies. This project has been a valuable learning experience, providing insights into the intricacies of ray tracing algorithms and implementations.

Syrus Engine Logo

Syrus Game Engine

Syrus is currently being built using C++ and OpenGL.


Zelda Remake in Unity

This is a remake of the original Zelda for my Game Development course, EECS 494, at the University of Michigan. We were tasked with recreating dungeon 1 as well implementing a new, custom feature as well as new, custom levels.

Geo Odyssey

Geo Odyssey (Unity Game)

This is my solo game project for my Game Development course, EECS 494, at the University of Michigan. The player is tasked with traversing the faces of a cube-shaped maze, collecting essence, and defeating enemies to win!

Image of Codex

DevBlog #1: Codex Craze & Bug Fixes (10/8/2023)

During Sprint One, I worked heavily on the Project Multiply codex functionality as well as a myriad of bug fixes.

Image of Code Bug

DevBlog #2: Bugs! (10/22/2023)

This devblog consisted of a QA week and the first half of another two-week-long feature sprint. As a result of this, I worked on a plethora of bug fixes throughout the entire codebase.

Image of Camera Panning

DevBlog #3: Camera Panning, QOL, & Lots of Bug Fixes (11/5/2023)

This devblog consisted of implementing WASD camera panning and object focusing, some QOL feature implementations, and other minor bug fixes.

Image of Controller

DevBlog #4: Polishing & Bug Fixes (11/19/2023)

This devblog consisted of polishing our game, finalizing features, as well as bug finding and fixing.

Image of Computer Crash

DevBlog #5: AI Player & Main Menu Bugs (12/3/2023)

This devblog consisted of only one week of work in which I fixed some gamebreaking issues related to the main menu freezing and the AI player stalling indefinitely.


Below is a little bit about my background.

Professional Experience

Lenovo - Software Engineer Intern (June 2022 - August 2022)
  • Developed an AR weather simulator for Android phones and Lenovo's ThinkReality A3 glasses using Unity
  • Enhanced user immersion by creating particle effects and shaders, resulting in a 15% increase in user satisfaction
  • Streamlined source control and testing protocols with Bitbucket on a global team, reducing merge conflicts by 25%
  • Delivered a presentation on app features, securing executive approval and increasing project visibility
WolverineSoft Studio (Game Development Club) - Programmer, QA Engineer (September 2023 - January 2024)
  • Optimized NPC pathing using a flood fill algorithm, ensuring correct functionality and reducing errors by 20%
  • Architected an AI decision-making algorithm using utility AI with a score system, increasing engagement by 30%
  • Designed an in-game codex UI with a page system to allow fast lookup of NPC stats, boosting accessibility by 40%
  • Crafted intuitive, single-player tutorial scenes in Unity, improving player retention rates by over 35%
  • Managed Jira, Bitbucket, and Confluence tasks to release a multiplayer game on Steam with 85% positive reviews
Game Engine Researcher (Faculty-Led) - Game Engine Engineer, Programmer (January 2024 - May 2024)
  • Developed 23 shaders with GLSL and exposed properties to the editor, leading to a 30% decrease in iteration time
  • Implemented A* pathfinding and AI combat scripting tools in C\#, giving a 25% increase in the engine's AI toolset
  • Engineered a scalable, modular enemy wave system using Lua, reducing project implementation times by 40%
  • Designed RPG, RTS, and Tower Defense templates using Godot, cutting prototype development time by 50%
  • Refined UI/UX design through debugging and playtests, increasing user approval ratings by over 15%

Relevant Coursework

  • Data Structures & Algorithms
  • Computer Organization
  • Foundations of Computer Science
  • Game Development
  • Game Engine Architecture
  • Applied Parallel Programming with GPUs
  • Programming Paradigms
  • Database Management Systems
  • Data-Driven Applications
  • Web Development
  • Linear Algebra
  • Calculus I
  • Calculus II
  • Calculus III
  • Discrete Mathematics
  • Statistics & Data Analysis
  • Mechanics
  • Electromagnetism
  • Technical Communication I
  • Technical Communication II

Programming Languages

  • C++
  • C#
  • C
  • Lua
  • GLSL
  • HLSL
  • ShaderLab
  • Python
  • Java
  • SQL
  • R
  • LaTeX


  • Unity
  • UE5
  • OpenGL
  • OpenCV
  • CUDA
  • SFML
  • SDL
  • S3
  • Cloudfront
  • Lambda
  • ECS
  • Fargate

Developer Tools

  • Git
  • GitHub
  • GitLab
  • BitBucket
  • Jira
  • Confluence
  • Visual Studio
  • VS Code
  • Ubuntu
  • IntelliJ
  • Eclipse
  • Valgrind
  • Clang
  • GCC
  • NVIDIA Nsight


  • MRun: University of Michigan Running Club
  • Division III NCAA Track and Field & Cross Country Athlete
  • WolverineSoft Studio: University of Michigan Game Development Club
  • MCG: University of Michigan Computer Graphics Club
  • AA-NAP: Ann Arbor Natural Area Preservation Volunteer
  • Nominee: University of Michigan Feinberg Family Prize for Excellence in Writing

Get in touch

Message me anywhere, anytime!